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Home & Family
in Lifelong Learning
Page Turners Book Club
with Beth Knight

Are you tired of reading in solitary confinement? Bored of never having anyone to gush about your latest literary obsessions with? Look no further! Our diverse and open-minded community welcomes readers of all kinds – whether you're a seasoned bookworm or a newbie eager to dive into uncharted literary waters. The only requirement for joining the Page Turners' Book Club is a desire to get together to discuss each month's book! Let's read, laugh, and bond over the stories that make our hearts race and our imaginations soar! We will choose the following months’ books together. If you enjoyed our past book clubs, Voices of Women and Voices of Us, you will love Page Turners' with Beth Knight. She is an amazing facilitator and teacher. Join us for book club spread across three separate sessions, each lasting three months. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month. Fall: Oct, Nov, Dec Winter: Jan, Feb, Mar Spring: Apr, May, Jun
March Book: Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
April Book: Birds in Fall by Brad Kessler
Spring Into College Savings: The Alfond Grant and Maine’s College Savings Program
with FAME (Finance Authority of Maine)

Joining us – College Savings Superstar AlfondFoundation member, Caroline Palmatier Maine families have access to two valuableprograms to assist with saving and paying foreducation after high school: the $500 Alfond Grantand Maine’s College Savings program. While theseinitiatives offer great benefits, understanding eachof their features can sometimes be challenging.Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or student, thissession will provide you with information to makethe most of these valuable resources. Join us toimprove your understanding and take steps towardsa successful educational future!
Excel Advanced
with Val Landry

During this session, you will learn how to hide data, split and freeze a window, create ranges, understand the name manager, learn additional functions, copy and paste special, sort data, and learn the power of filters. Some examples of using Microsoft Excel as practical tools including the amortization table, 20 top functions companies want their employees to know, and pivot tables. The design of this course includes 2-3 hours of work with the software between sessions to gain maximum benefit from the sessions. This is a live online class using ZOOM. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey included in your automated receipt so the instructor can tailor the course to meet your needs. You will want to have Microsoft Excel on your computer for this workshop and many people find it helpful to have two monitors though it is certainly not necessary to benefit from the sessions. There are two ways to accomplish this: 1) attach an external screen to your computer (contact our program if you need technical assistance with that); 2) use two computers (one for Excel and the other for the ZOOM meeting. Val Landry is a lifelong business educator and academic advisor focused on helping enrich and enhance students' educational and life purposes. He is experienced in college management and, as an adult educator, having taught at the Mid-State College and Kennebec Valley Community College. His teaching experience covers over 45 years in the areas of computer applications, accounting, and Quickbooks training workshops. Instructor: Val Landry
Cruising with Kelly
with Kelly Monroe

Are you interested in taking a cruise but not sure where to start? Join this one-night class with Kelly Monroe, owner of In The Magic Travel. With over a decade of experience planning vacations and creating unforgettable memories, Kelly will guide you through the essentials of cruising. She will cover cruise lines, itineraries, departure ports, what to expect, how to proceed, and answer all your questions. Don't miss this opportunity to get expert advice and make your dream cruise a reality!
Estate Planning
with Kathryn Bedell, Esq.

This class will begin with an overview of basic estate planning, including wills, powers of attorney, and health care directives. You will then explore how revocable trusts can help avoid probate and protect your privacy, and how irrevocable trusts can safeguard your assets from nursing home or MaineCare (Medicaid) liens. The discussion will also cover strategies to protect assets from life events such as business failure or the divorce of adult children. Kathryn Bedell, a lawyer based in York, Maine, will lead the class. With 31 years of experience, Kathryn specializes in estate planning, asset preservation, and probate matters.
You Heard That on the News? An Introduction to News and Information Literacy in a Digital World
with George Whitbread

Are you frustrated by our confusing and complex world of news and information? Are you concerned about “bias” in the news media, as well as online misinformation/disinformation and the effects it has on our society? Explore these critical topics in a nonpartisan manner from a “news literacy” perspective and discover some useful skills from the world of news and information literacy that will help you better navigate this challenging world. Find out how some of the basic principles of news literacy education can promote more understanding and better communication in a polarized society. (Attendance is recommended but not required for all six sessions. An overview of “news and information literacy,” as well as an introduction to the rest of the course, will be provided in the Tuesday, April 8th session!)
Tuesdays: April 8, 29; May 6, 13, 20, 27 (All 6-8 pm)
Cage Ring
with Alice Carroll

If you love rings, this workshop is perfect for you! Using basic tools, each student will learn how to measure their ring size and create two rings that will be combined into one. We'll add cross bars between the rings, soldering them together. This class covers soldering small joints, shaping, finishing, and polishing. No prior experience is necessary, and all materials and supplies are provided. Join us to craft a unique and stylish ring from start to finish! Instructor: Alice Carroll
Class is located in Alice Carroll's Studio in The Button Factory, 855 Islington St. #202 Portsmouth, NH 03801
Clay Olive Server
with Firefly Pottery

Design and create an elegant Oliver server using real clay in this engaging workshop. Perfect for holding nuts, candy, or as a stylish addition to your charcuterie spread, this versatile server will be a beautiful and functional piece for any occasion. Join us to craft a unique and sophisticated item that will elevate your entertaining. All skill levels are welcome!
at Firefly Pottery, 72 Mirona Rd Suite 1, Portsmouth, NH 03801